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Introducing ... Greenway Secure Cloud

Experience peace of mind, greater security, and all-inclusive pricing with Greenway Secure Cloud*.


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Success with long-term virtual care starts with an innovative solution


An all-in-one telehealth solution

With our HIPAA-compliant, integrated solution, you can deliver quality virtual care without interrupting established workflows.

Backed by a team of trusted advisors

An advocate for telehealth expansion, Greenway helps you navigate ever-changing CMS requirements and billing guidelines.

Innovating for the future of healthcare

Get the latest product updates and new features through our rapid innovation model. As telehealth advances, you'll be one step ahead.

“We’re so happy with all the new features; it's so easy now doing everything from one screen… Greenway Telehealth is like having the patient in the office.”

Soraya Jimenez
Office Manager, Fabio Oliveros MD & Associates

"I encouraged my administrators to switch over to the new Greenway Telehealth product. They listened and we have been using the latest version for the last three weeks now. It has made a positive impact on the physicians, patients and the practice. Thank you!"

Andrea McNamee
Nurse, Mercer-Bucks Orthopedics

Why Greenway Telehealth?

Telehealth has risen to the forefront as a way for providers to deliver care from anywhere. By offering a secure connection for providers and patients, Greenway Telehealth helps practices maintain business continuity, create additional revenue streams, reach new patient populations – and ultimately, improve patient outcomes.

A secure solution

Built to be the best, our secure, HIPAA-compliant telehealth solution provides peace of mind to practices offering virtual care.

Client-centric design

Guided by our clients, we tailored Greenway Telehealth features to create a seamless experience for providers and patients.

Built for the future

Through a rapid release cadence, Greenway Telehealth is built to help your practice create a successful, long-term virtual care strategy.

Greenway Telehealth Pricing Callout Bar

Greenway Telehealth special pricing!

Act now for our NEW special pricing of only $39 per provider, per month. Request your demo to get started.

Get Telehealth for $39

With Greenway Telehealth, your practice will enjoy these benefits

Group calls

Making it easier than ever for a patient’s trusted guests to join the telehealth visit regardless of their physical location.

Administrative console

A central location for admin users to streamline workflows, taking the administrative burden off clinical staff.

Multiple user personas

A single medium for communication at the point of care allowing you to avoid multiple phone calls to the patient and create a more seamless experience.

Integration with PM and EHR

Schedule and launch a telehealth visit directly in Intergy and Prime Suite, along with patient flow tracking, and appointment matching capabilities.

Three different call views

Flexibility to choose from different view options based on how you want to view and interact with participants on the call.

One-click entry for patients

No downloads or passwords are needed — making it easier for patients to join the visit regardless of their familiarity with technology.

And much more!

  • Unique provider URLs
  • Accessibility via multiple device types
  • Patient consent checkbox
  • Waiting room timer
  • Patient-provider meeting room
  • Text-based chat

Request Demo



Consumer adoption of telehealth jumped to nearly 50% in 2020, up from 11% in 2019.

— McKinsey & Company


Percentage of patients who are likely to use telehealth beyond the pandemic.


Request a demo for Greenway Telehealth

Greenway Telehealth Pricing Blue

NEW! Special pricing for Greenway Telehealth — $39 per provider, per month!

Now, with our better-than-ever pricing, it’s even easier to start seeing more patients with telehealth.

“Providers love, love, love it!  They can just click the link, they naturally and organically launch this way.”
Mike Foth, The NATIVE Project


Success with virtual care starts with an innovative telehealth solution.