Giving back to the community is a priority for us

As a company dedicated to the advancement of health, we understand the challenges facing communities and appreciate the importance of giving back.


Health and medicine

Improving lives often begins with improving health. This means promoting research, access to care, and health education. 


The environment

Protecting the planet is critical for ours and future generations. We believe we all play a part in preserving the environment through acts both large and small.


Underserved communities

Just as many of our clients care for communities in need, we strive to support those who lack access to food and other necessities.



A good education can never be taken away. It builds confidence, skills, and understanding. That’s why we seek opportunities to share our knowledge.

Partnerships with charitable organizations

The American Cancer Society

A national nonprofit dedicated to eliminating cancer, the American Cancer Society offers a variety of programming to support patients, promote research, and share information.


Keep America Beautiful

Inspiring people to care for their community’s environment is the mission of Keep America Beautiful. The nonprofit envisions a future of “clean, green, beautiful” communities across the country.

Feeding America

This nonprofit seeks to feed the millions of Americans facing hunger. Its nationwide network of food banks provides roughly 4.3 billion meals annually.

An Hour of Code launched the Hour of Code campaign to teach computer science in schools. The nonprofit aims to increase participation by women and underrepresented youth.

A commitment to giving that benefits all

Partnerships with charitable organizations give Greenway employees the opportunity to merge professional work and community service.

The result is improved relationships between employees, the personal rewards of service, and support for organizations that improve lives.

Greenway Health Community Service

Learn more about the benefits of working at Greenway Health.