Remain Cures Act-compliant with Patient Portal

The 21st Century Cures Act requires that patients have easy access to all health information "without delay" — so go electronic.


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Simplify patient engagement with our patient portal

Our Patient Portal combines with integrated Greenway Patient Messaging for patient-provider engagement by providing easy-to-use features that patients want.

The online patient portal also simplifies patient engagement requirements for Meaningful Use and value-based reimbursement through:

  • Simple, fast registration
  • Secure messaging
  • Immediate view of health records that meets view, download, transmit (VDT) measure

Patient portal tailored to meet your needs

Access to patient portal on any device
  • Simple design with intuitive layout and menu options
  • Can be used on any device, screen size, and Internet browser

This provides convenient, mobile access to your patients’ health records on any device.

Improved health outcomes and better patient care
  • Access to health records
  • Secure messaging for safe and live communication
  • Customizable appointment reminders, broadcast messages, and other notices by phone, text message, and email

Patients can review care plans and ask questions, and access medication and dosage instructions. Providers can target at-risk patients with phone or text campaigns, and encourage adherence to care plans with appointment reminders.


Increased efficiency
  • Appointment requests
  • Lab results
  • Health history forms online
  • Appointment reminders by phone, text message and email

Appointment requests can be made through the online patient portal. Your staff will spend less time on the phone providing test results — and online forms will save patients time, resulting in increased patient satisfaction and loyalty. Appointment reminders can reduce no-show rates by up to 56%.

Increased use of patient portal
  • Patients use one account to access patient health information for all practices using Greenway Patient.
  • Parents can access all necessary health information of their children from the same account.

Convenient access to care for patients means increased use of our patient portal. Caregivers can easily access health information for their dependents.


“Not being at every appointment with my mother has caused me worries. With the patient portal— when I can’t be there — I still can help her manage her health and that’s important to both of us."

Patient Portal user

Patient engagement, simplified.